Friday, August 10, 2012

Climbing the wall to connect (Five Minute Friday)

It's five minute friday!!

Click here to see how Lisa-Jo Baker got Five Minute Fridays started, and how you can join in!



Connect is a hard concept to swallow sometimes.  It is the human condition to desire to connect with one another, and yet our societal standards of "connection" do not always fill our human need.  I don't want to connect to just have another "friend" in my social circle in this small town full of circles.  I don't want to connect just to be "in" one of the "in groups".  I don't want to connect to play nice with other moms.

I want to connect and be ME.  Afterall, connection to someone when we are not ourselves isn't connection at all.  And it's not fulfilling for either party.  SO, how to climb over that wall to connect?

RISK.  Risk is not a good word for me.  I don't like risk, unless it is very calculated and a 99% sure thing that it will turn out the way I want it to.  What if she doesn't like me?  What if she thinks that my political stance and my theology are wrong?  What if she can't agree to disagree?  What if I never connect?  What if I never make true friends in this town?  How long can I survive superficiality in relationships without real connection?


Sometimes Five Minute Fridays have a way of revealing our fears.

Anyone reading this have any encouraging words or suggestions on how to climb over that wall?

Thanks for reading!